
About the Survey:

You have been specially selected to receive this survey because your past activities show you to be an American who votes regularly and is well-informed on current events.

This national survey of citizens from every state and congressional district will send a strong message to Congress, the courts and the media that a majority of Americans are outraged over the abuse of power by union bosses.

Please return your completed survey within 48 hours in order for the final survey results to be reported to key decisionmakers.

1) Do you think American workers should be fired for refusing to pay dues to a union?

2) Do you believe Big Labor should be stopped from using the mandatory dues of workers to fund political campaigns?

3) Do stories of politicians handing out sweetheart contracts to union bosses and receiving millions of dollars in campaign support concern you?

4) Do you believe public sector forced unionism leads to lower quality public services as union bosses stonewall reforms?

5) Do you think acts of union violence should continue to enjoy immunity from prosecution under federal law?

6) Should the NRTWLDF continue to pursue all legal avenues to attack Big Labor’s forced unionism empire?