
Dear Concerned American,

Through Monday, April 7, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is accepting public comments on its proposed rule changes to union certification election procedures.

The new election guidelines would make union certification elections as one-sided as possible by ambushing workers with quick-snap elections and invading workers' privacy by forcing companies to hand over their addresses, phone numbers and shift schedules to union bosses.

The bureaucrats at the Obama Labor Board are out of control. Demand they stop acting as an organizing tool for Big Labor.

I hope you'll act right away by signing the petition below opposing the ambush election scheme.

Mark Mix
Mark Mix, President
National Right to Work Foundation

Stop the Obama Labor Board's Ambush Election Scheme Petition

Whereas:   Ambush elections allow aggressive union organizers to conduct one-sided, intimidating unionization campaigns; and
Whereas:   Under the new rules, workers wishing to remain independent may only have days to counter years of union-boss propaganda before a quick-snap election; and
Whereas:   The new rules would force companies to turn over every worker's address, phone number, and e-mail address to union operatives, who can use that information to make intimidating "home visits" just before the election; and
Whereas:   Union organizers may withdraw the election petition but keep the list of employees' personal information to launch an abusive card check campaign at a later date;
Therefore: I urge you to withdraw the proposed rule amending representation-case procedures at docket NLRB-2011-0002.
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